Be Positive with a Purpose to be Truly Happy
Frankly Speaking by Frank Jordan
You are a unique individual with a purpose and the talents to accomplish your goals in life. But wait – are you a person that believes everything works against you and nobody is bailing you out of your problems? All of us at one time or another feel sorry for ourselves, but self-pity as a constant mind-set is destructive. If we are honest, self-pity is a selfish attitude focusing inward on our own difficulties, hardships, sufferings or misfortune, usually with denial about our own contributions to our situation.
Stop it! You must escape the perception this unjust world is treating you alone unfairly. Are your woes always someone else’s fault including family members, the government, the boss or maybe all of the above! Is that too harsh for someone wronged by life? Perhaps, but understand no matter how justified your feelings of life dumping on you personally may be, you cannot escape a fire by standing in the flames!
Quietly reflect for a moment and you will realize not another living being has your personal collection of gifts, talents and natural abilities that can enable you to accomplish your purpose in life and be happy. It’s not easy and there are certainly pot holes in the road, but no one else has your experiences in life. That includes not only your pain, hardships, disappointments and sorrows; but also your accomplishments, serving others, unselfish love and forgivance of others.
A great man once told me you can’t accomplish or lead without having the characteristics of forged steel – subjected in life to intense heat, beaten into shape and prepared by these events to have extreme strength when fighting for your purpose and goals in life! Everything in life shapes us to be either a positive or negative force both for ourselves and others. What are you today?
Are you just existing or are you living for a reason? The Bible specifically says you have special talents so survey yourself. Do you have wisdom to share? Can you teach, inspire others through affirmation and encouragement, exhibit compassion, help in bringing order to situations, financially assist others or have a desire to serve – even to preach? A smile and kind word take only a moment.
Look at your life and especially the difficult events you perceive as unfair or “why-me” happenings. Perhaps life’s challenges are to enable you to understand, empathize with and encourage others in the midst of similar struggles. Life is tough; remember life ain’t easy for a “Boy Named Sue” or any of us! Health, financial struggles, job disappointments, emotional and relationship tragedies and many negative events in life can seem overwhelming. But there is indisputable power in positive thinking and knowing your purpose for being.
Rick Warren in “The Purpose Driven Life” tells us, “Knowing your purpose gives meaning to life. Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope. The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose.” Don’t be driven by guilt, resentment, jealousy and/or anger; often joined by fear, materialism or need for approval. “Change” is an action that should apply to most of us as individuals!
Take some time and quietly think about what is your purpose in life. Discover your unique gifts and ask yourself how those gifts are being used and benefiting others. If not now benefiting others, how can you begin today to focus on what you can do for your family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. Stop the self-pity pit that benefits no one, including yourself! Stop the hate and forgive.
This you can be assured of – when you have a positive attitude and are helping others first, the light in your life will eliminate the darkness. Thomas Carlyle said it well, “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder – a waif, a nothing, a no man.” The Apostle Paul tells us, “I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13. Note he said focusing on “one thing;” meaning you must forget the past and look forward as one action implemented together as a single act.
Knowing your purpose makes you want to live each moment of each day. You will be energized and a positive force to yourself and those around you. What do you truly want to be? What is one thing you should stop doing and then one thing you should start doing today? Do both now! Use that formula each day and for millions you can soon put away the prescription pills taken for a temporary escape from reality as you experience natural and spiritual happiness.
The Apostle Paul told us why we have valleys in this life when he explained, “But we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-5. Suffering can color your life, but you get to choose the color!
Don’t wait. Act now to spend every day as if it is the last day for the rest of your life; acknowledging however that eternity is a beginning and not an end. An anonymous author summed up the realities of life between what we seek and what we experience in “Answered Prayers,”
“I ask for strength and God gives me difficulties to make me strong.
I ask for wisdom and God gives me problems to learn to solve.
I ask for prosperity and God gives me brains and brawn with which to work.
I ask for courage and God gives me dangers to overcome.
I ask for love and God gives me troubled people to help.
I ask for favors and God gives me opportunities.
God gives me nothing I want.
God gives me everything I need.
My prayers are answered.”
Frankly speaking, be positive with a purpose to avoid self-pity and, regardless of your present situation in life, you can be truly alive and happy in body, mind and spirit.